What would be the first thing you could do today to improve your marketing ROI dramatically? Landing pages are website pages that are explicitly designed to try to attract a specific type of website user. These are websites that are planned specifically around a desire for a particular product or service.
The goal of a landing page is to convert and create a repository of leads that can be nurtured with more personalized marketing campaigns using email, direct mail, paid ads, or other forms of targeted marketing before those leads reach your sales team to make a purchase.
Creating leads for your business is a necessary part of your marketing strategy. There are several methods to do it: through social media, content marketing, paid ads — the list goes on. With each campaign you run — no matter what channel you use — the people you are targeting won’t convert themselves into potential customers unless your website allows them to do so. If you don’t have at least a few landing pages on your site, you’re missing out on opportunities to turn these individuals into paying customers.
Landing pages have a sole purpose: to convert leads for your business. Nevertheless, you can target those leads by using a specific content offer on each landing page. Here are the types of content offers you can add to a landing page to convert visitors into leads :
- Ebooks and Whitepapers
- Webinar
- Newsletter Subscription
- Online Course
- Event Registration
- Free Trial
- Free Consultation
- Free Demo
The Benefits of Landing Pages
Landing pages are used to generate leads, but these pages also add tremendous user experience value to your website – here are some of the not so obvious benefits of well-made landing pages:
Landing pages are targeted to increase conversions.
A targeted page that directly ties to an offer or next step is crucial to providing value upfront. This can also encourage new site visitors to provide their information for an immediate, tangible reward.
Many companies send their advertising, email, or social media traffic to their homepage – this is a huge missed opportunity. When you know that a stream of targeted traffic will be coming to your website, you can increase the likelihood of converting that traffic into leads by using a targeted landing page.
Landing pages provide additional insights into your target audience.
Creating various landing pages with segmented offers allows you to track which topics convert at the highest rate, giving you valuable insights into your audience’s interests. You could also use the data collected from your landing pages to create a more targeted, personalized marketing strategy. Plus, landing pages don’t just tell you which content your audience likes — they also tell you which channels your lead prefer, which can enable your marketing team to refine the strategy further, promoting content and engaging with your audience on the channel they’
Landing pages can grow your subscriber list.
In exchange for content on your landing page, you’ll typically ask your users to provide their email addresses and name. This can help you quickly grow your email subscriber list and segment the list to provide more personalized follow-up emails. People who have filled a form in exchange for content or information on your product or service have shown interest in what you have to offer. Consider how you could further nurture them by sending them a “Thank you” email after they download your landing page offer with additional resources related to the content in which they’ve shown
Landing pages increase to make a good first impression with users.
A well-designed landing page can ultimately impress new visitors and turn them into leads by demonstrating the value your company can give them. A landing page is a space that can tell your visitors what you are offering and how it can positively impact them. Even if a viewer does not immediately convert, a well-designed landing page can increase brand recognition and help nurture leads for future sales.
What makes a good landing page?
A good landing page is the equivalent of a baseball mitt — it catches the traffic your marketing campaign is pitching to the audience. For example, if your marketing campaign features an ebook, your landing page should also mention the ebook — it’ll be even better if this ebook is the only content to be mentioned on the landing page — this ensures people won’t become confused about what they will receive when they share their contact information because the landing page is targeting only people who are (presumably) interested in. Here are the foundational items of a good landing page:
- Focused communication
- Valuable Content offers
- Straight forward page navigation
- Conversion tracking and analytics
Your landing page can always use more testing and improvements as many best practices as you may read online. Make sure you have a landing page creation tool that allows you to create and test many different landing pages to see what works best for your business.